Your Free Math Tutor Online
Having difficulty understanding math? Looking for help in math? Or a free math tutor?
If yes, is for you!
Here, we provide free math tutoring online. To do so, we have carefully created easy and understandable lessons for you. For effectively learning, we divide each lesson into four parts as listed below:
Math Videos
Animated math videos to help you visualize math ideas better.
Study Tips
Study tips that focus on important math ideas. You will save time by knowing what is necessary.
Practice Questions
Practice questions to help you to build better understanding in math.
Step-by-Step Solutions
Each practice question comes with step-by-step solutions with complete explanations
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All these in - The Free Math Tutor Online.
For each lesson, read the study tips carefully and take note of the important concepts/ideas before watching the video. These tips will guide you in your math thinking strategies.
After watching the video, try the practice questions. They are tailored to help you understand the lesson better. Have fun!
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Math Topics & More
The Cartesian Plane (Coordinate Plane) Lessons
This page contains lessons on the Cartesian plane (Coordinate plane). Here, you can learn about it, how to plot points on the plane and more...
Graphing Equations Lessons
This page contains the list of lessons on graphing equations. Here, you will learn on using the coordinate plane to graph a given equation...
Slope and Y-Intercept Lessons
This page contains the list of lessons related to slope and y-intercept of a straight line...
The Cartesian Plane (Coordinate Plane) Lessons