Adjacent Angles

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Lesson Objective

In this lesson, we will learn about adjacent angles.

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About This Lesson

In this lesson, we will:

  • What are adjacent angles.
  • See some examples on identifying them.

The study tips below will give you a short summary on this.

The math video below will explain in depth about this. Furthermore, it will show some examples so that you can understand this lesson better.

adjacent angles

Study Tips

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Tip #1

There are three conditions that must be met when identifying whether two angles are adjacent angles. These conditions are:

condition for adjacent angles
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Tip #2 - Special Case: Supplementary Angles

When two angles are adjacent and these angles add to 180°, these angles become supplementary angles.

supplementary angles is a special case of adjacent angles
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Tip #3 - Special Case: Complementary Angles

Now, if two angles are adjacent and these angles add to 90°, these angles become complementary angles.

complementary angles is a special case of adjacent angles

The math video below will explain more...

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Math Video Transcript

In this lesson, we will learn about adj. angles.

Let's take a look at these two angles. 45 degrees and 110 degrees respectively.

Now, these two angles are adjacent angles.

This is because, these 2 angles shares a common side, BD, a common vertex B and these 2 angles do not overlap.

Next, when I move this arm BD, take note of the adj. angles.

Let's see some examples.

Are these adj. angles?

Let's find out. We can see that, these 2 angles have a common side AC and a common vertex A.

Furthermore, these 2 angles do not overlap. Therefore, these are adj. angles.

Next example, how about these 2 angles?

Here, we can see that, these angles have a common vertex A and common side AB. However, these angles overlap.

Hence, these are not adj angles.

Next, are these adj. angles?

Here, these 2 angles share the same vertex A.

However, these angles do not have a common side.

Hence, these are not adj. angles.

Final example, these 2 angles have a common side BC but, do not have a common vertex.

Hence, these are not adj. angles.

That is all for this lesson.

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