Reflex Angles
Lesson Objective
In this lesson, we will learn about reflex angles.
About This Lesson
After learning about straight angle, we will now learn:
- What are reflex angles.
- See some examples on identifying them.
The study tips below will give you a short summary on this.
The math video below will explain in depth about this. Furthermore, it will show some examples so that you can understand this lesson better.

Study Tips
Tip #1
If an angle is more than 180° and less than 360°, it is a reflex angle. Here are some examples:

The math video below will explain more on this.
Math Video
Lesson Video
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Math Video Transcript
In this lesson, we will learn about this type of angle
Let's take a look at this angle.
Now, when this angle is somewhere between 180 degrees and 360 degrees, it is called a rfx angle.
In other words, a rfx angle is always more than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees.
Let's see some examples on this.
This is a 230 degrees angle. Is this a rfx angle?
Yes! It is.
Next example, take a close look at this angle. Is this a rfx angle?
We know that a rfx angle is more than 180 degrees.
Since this angle is not more than 180 degrees, it is not a rfx angle.
Next, how about this angle?
Clearly, it is a rfx angle.
That is all for this lesson.
Practice Questions & More
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Now, let's try some MCQ questions to understand this lesson better.
You can start by going through the series of questions on reflex anglesor pick your choice of question below.
- Question 1 on identifying this type of angle.
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