Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators Practice

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Question 2

What is the resulting fraction when we subtract 3/5 and 1/3 ? Give the answer in the simplest form.


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Select and check your answer...

A. 2/15
B. 2/3
C. 4/15
D. 14/15

Step by Step Solution

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    Step 1

    Let's write down these fractions:

    fractions have unlike denominators

    From here, we can see that these fractions have unlike denominators.

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    Step 2

    Since the denominators are not the same, we must make them the same before we are able to subtract them. To do so, we can use the ideas behind Equivalent Fractions.

    To find the equivalent fractions, we can multiply 3/5 with the other fraction's denominator and vice versa. By doing so, both fractions will have like denominators. This is shown below:

    Multiply to find equivalent fractions
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    Step 3

    Now, both fraction have like denominators. We can proceed by adding these fractions. This will result in the fraction 4/15.

    subtracting the fractions to get 4/15
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    Step 4

    Finally, we get the fraction, 4/15. Clearly, the answer is C.